During the day, an individual can capture daily experiences using a mobile device that supports picture taking, freehand drawing and handwriting. The ToTell list composed in this way is shared with related family members at home, where the list can be accessed using the tablet device. When the device is not used it shows an overview of such messages in a spiral visualisation. The touchscreen interface can be used to browse similar messages and check the availability of others. The information displayed in the spiral overview consists of pictures or drawings and text notes made on the mobile device. The spiral is divided in 3 areas: The main area of the spiral holds 6 pictures, whose size and position portrays recency. The centre of the spiral gives access to earlier items, the outer end to more recent ones.
Source: Markopoulos, P., Romero, N., van Baren, J., IJsselsteijn,W., de Ruyter, B., and Farshchian, B. 2004. Keeping in touch with the family. In Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (CHI’04). ACM Press, 1351–1354.