The Digital Picture Frame (by Truong et al, 2004)
The Digital Picture Frame allows anyone on the Web to upload and choose a photo to display on a particular person’s picture frame. The frame is composed of several components: theWeb client, theWeb server, and a frame client. TheWeb client shows the current picture and information about when and from where the photo was uploaded, a set of thumbnails of all the photos that have been uploaded, and a simpleWeb form for uploading a new photo. Visitors to the page can either upload a new image, which becomes the current image on the picture frame, or scroll through the set of photos and select an existing one for display. To provide further feedback to the Web page visitors, the Web page includes an image of the frame sitting on its owner’s desk or shelf. The authors manipulate this image to show each new photo in the frame, making it more obvious that this picture is actually being viewed at the user’s desk. The authors log users’ IP addresses for all visits.
Source: Truong, K. N., Richter, H., Hayes, G. R., and Abowd, G. D. 2004. Devices for sharing thoughts and affection at a distance. In Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (CHI’04). ACM Press, 1203–1206.