The soft form suggests the user reaching to hug. Communication is initiated by squeezing the left paw, and speaking the receiver’s name into the microphone. Once it is connected to the remote hug, senders can squeeze, stroke, hug, or pet the Hug. The sensor data is compiled and transmitted to the remote pair through light, heat, and vibrations. Communication is terminated by squeezing the right paw. Lights and sounds signal incoming hugs. During the hug, the sender and receiver have an open voice channel. Up to four hugs can be stored in a queue; these are signaled on the base using a gently blinking light.
Sourc: DiSalvo, C., Gemperle, F., Forlizzi, J., and Yonkers, W. 2003. The Hug. In Proceedings of the Conference on Designing for User Experiences (DUX’03). ACM Press, 1–4.