Force sensing resistors provide pressure detection over a low resolution surface array on the top of the Connexus. This allows for simple touching to be sensed. By time stamping the sensed data, rich signals such as a user swirling their finger along the surface of the Connexus can be detected. Ambient light is easily sensed with a photocell. As a user moves inside, outside, or places their hand over the Connexus, a signal is generated. A small heartbeat sensor allows detection of an individual’s pulse. This provides access to a personal ‘life signal’ of another person. When electrical current is applied to a Peltier Junction, a temperature difference is created with one side of the thermocouple being hotter than room temperature, and the other being cooler. This allows the Connexus to heat and cool the skin it is contacting. Using an array of superbright Simple vibrations are easily and privately felt through skin contact. Various vibration patterns and duty cycles provide a number of output possibilities for the Connexus.
Source: Paulos, E. 2003. Connexus: A Communal Interface. In Proceedings of the Conference on Designing for User Experiences (DUX’03). ACM Press, 1–4.