ComTouch is a digitally augmentedmobile phone concept, where a vibrotactile mapping is added. The mobile phone has extra buttons on the side and back which support the mapping. Pressure sensors are used under each finger, to allow people a way to squeeze the phone. The touch pressure under each finger is mapped to vibration intensity. ComTouch is a vibrotactile device sleeve that fits over the back of a mobile phone. The basic concept is a handheld device that translates finger pressure into vibration. The devices are bi-directional and both users can send and receive signals simultaneously. The input is located on the fingertips and the output, vibrations, is located on the middle and base of the finger.
Source: Chang, A., O’Modhrain, S., Jacob, R., Gunther, E., and Ishii, H. 2002. ComTouch. In Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques (DIS’02). ACM Press, 312–320.